Make the MOST of therapy | Make the MOST of life

Myofunctional, Speech, and Occupational Therapy Clinic with two faciltities based in the Far North Dallas Area.




Occupational Therapy is an interactive guided therapy utilizing multi-sensory activities activities incorporating touch, sight, sound, movement, and muscle stimulation. This diverse approach provides your child with experiences needed to master the demands of daily life.

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Speech-language therapy specializes in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders, voice disorders, and swallowing disorders. Speech-language therapy is concerned with a broad scope of speech, language, swallowing, and voice issues involving communication.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy help to design and develop fitness programs which impact motor functions that can improve respiratory control, coordination and much more. Therapists provide activities and exercises to build motor skills which can improve posture, balance and strength, so that playing with others becomes easy and fun.

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Myofunctional orofacial therapy treats a variety of oral and facial muscle postural and functional disorders and habitual patterns. An individualized regimen of exercises are used to correct tongue and lip resting postures as well as developing correct chewing and swallowing patterns through increasing awareness to the muscles in the mouth and face.

sensory processing & integration

Sensory processing is something that most of us don't even think about. It occurs naturally and spontaneously throughout our day. For example, gently handling a delicate object, pulling our hand away from a hot flame, or stepping down for a curb. When a child's central nervous system has difficulty processing information received, behavior and learning, physical and emotional development may be impacted.


The tools and programs we utilize


Interactive Metronome® is an assessment and training tool that helps strengthen the brain’s ability to synchronize thought and movement to a steady metronome beat.

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Speech-language pathologists play a primary role in the evaluation and treatment of infants, children, and adults with swallowing and feeding disorders.

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The Listening Program® is a music listening method, personalized just for you to improve your brain health, at any age or level of ability.

Social Group

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When peer relationships are the primary area of difficulty, group therapy is the most effective format. Our social skills groups teach the acquisition of skills and also focus on performance. 

HiMama Subscriber

We provide In-Network Services with BlueCross BlueShield PPO and HMO, Aetna, Cigna, CoreSource, Meritian, Humana, Optum, United Healthcare and UHC/BSW partnered plans, UMR, Aetna Better Health, Cooks and Parkland.

We offer Out-of-Network Services with Medicare (plan-specific verification required) and TriCare.